Remote Hands Services

We resolve emergencies and handle technical tasks

Discover our remote hands data center services

No Hand Comes without a Mind

Ever felt wordless on the phone with an “engineer”…

  • Not able to differentiate 0.0dBm from a pure Loss Of Signal on a power meter?
  • Using a MultiMode fiber while you’re trying to achieve last mile patching for a SingleMode circuit?
  • Trying to configure an IP address such as

We all have such stories in mind, but out of the fact it could be hilarious, how about: Effectiveness, security, reliability, or even image of your company?

Based on this observation, CWS-TELECOM only hires accomplished telecommunications network engineers with extended expertise, who experienced the “driver’s seat” as well, so, able to meet the customer’s needs in terms of information / assistance.

In short, CWS-TELECOM doesn’t provide remote (aka: “brainless”) hands services, but only smart ones.

Local standby technicians for critical needs

About our Engineers

Hired for superior and professional customer service, CWS-TELECOM engineers comply with the following minimum requirements:

  • A strong experience at operations level, in either Telecoms or IT, or both.

  • Fluent English speaking.
  • Holds an electrical accreditation.
  • Able to work in full autonomy.

We’ve got you covered at any stage

Our Services

CWS TELECOM experts provide advices and analyses to help you avoid—or recover from—costly mistakes.

Our Engineers Are Trained To Master The Following Services:


Perform fiber test / check to determine a fault, which involves OTDR and / or fiberscope utilization if required (including COTDR for Submarine Cable systems), depending on circuit type.

Perform up to layer 3 tests, understand and install daisy chain & round robbin testing setups, inform with error codes and their meaning.

Analyze and determine faults on a system using an OSA, as each engineer is trained to WDM and xWDMs technologies (including Submarine Line Terrestrial Equipment).

Visit a Power Feeding Equipment (Submarine line systems) room / shelter, report about status, proceed actions under Equipment provider’s / customer’s surveillance.

Replace any card / optics / patchcord in respect of static electricity risks prevention rules.

Configure a laptop to get serial / DCN / management network access to a system (terminal, ssh, telnet, http(s)…), proceed commands under customer’s supervision, share full access to his machine if required.

Any service that should be considered as lower level than above… and falls under sense to us…


Replace any server / storage Unit component in respect of static electricity risks prevention rules, including processor replacement and thermal paste replacement.

Connect keyboard, mouse, screen, restore KVM / ILO… accesses, circuit patching.

Enter BIOS, proceed reconfigurations / rebuild a RAID configuration / array.

Proceed Operating system installation and basic troubleshooting (with focus on restoring management access for customer).

Any service that should be considered as lower level than above… and falls under sense to us…

Highly skilled, experienced team

Why choose Us ?


CWS-TELECOM engineers appraisal method is 90% based on customer’s feedbacks, meaning our customer’s goals become ours.


All our employees are coming from the Telecom or IT industry.
They have a strong experience at operations level, in either Telecoms or IT, or both.


CWS-TELECOM encourages engineers to inform from the first moment about the issue faced, and to help customers with administrative constraints if needed.

We quickly respond to your telecom emergencies

Case Studies

Helping customers to achieve their goals


A South African operator newly installed in a Datacenter not used with Hoster’s web portal for raising site accesses and ordering cross connections in MMR.


Once he observed that the Customer wasn’t comfortable with procedures, CWS-TELECOM engineer proposed his help in order to proceed:

  • Access request for himself.
  • After he reached room and analysed MeetMeRoom demarks availables: cross connection order.

Then, as he understood that obviously, this request was raised by customer for a future service delivery, he proposed as well to proceed patching at the same time, in order to save time and costs.


CWS-TELECOM engineers aren’t only trained for telecom basic actions, they’re kept up to date with datacenter’s practices, rules and processes.

Also, if ever they don’t know about a customer’s question, they’re encouraged to ask other CWS-TELECOM engineers / employees (seniors or dedicated ones especially) via our internal team chat (to share with others too) before replying they “don’t know”.

Solving a Circuit Continuity Issue


Our new customer (African telecom Operator) was struggling trying to resolve a circuit continuity issue with one of its clients.

After several intervention attempts with their common RHS partner, the customer decided to call us in order to investigate further about.

Client informed that their side was correctly patched and tested, and the Datacenter team confirmed the same at their side for Meet Me Room paths.


After 10 minutes tracing the fiber path, CWS-TELECOM engineer found that the issue was as simple as a missing patchcord between ODF (rear side) and customer equipment.

20 minutes later, the circuit was up and running.

After being asked why he never informed the customer about such miss, common RHS partner simply replied that he was not requested (4 Times, approx. 20H work time invoiced) to check “this part” of the circuit…


CWS-TELECOM encourages its engineers to go beyond a “simple request”, not limiting themselves to stick to a demand, as a single point is important: problem resolution and customer satisfaction.

Cisco router decommissioning


A French Web Services Hosting company requested CWS-TELECOM to proceed with a Cisco Router decommissioning.

As per Customer, plan was to simply disconnect power from router and proceed removal, as this device was not carrying any traffic anymore, then to store it for a future back shipment.


Our concurrents’ engineers most common procedure in such case:

Simply proceed “as requested”:

  • Enter room and find equipment.
  • Disconnect power and remaining fibers / cables.
  • Proceed dismantling.
  • Leave site with equipment.
  • Inform customer once reaching base that operation is completed.

CWS-TELECOM actions that were fortunately applied instead:

  • Engineer entered room and found equipment.
  • He contacted customer to inform he was ready to proceed, but also that he noticed that a few fibers were connected to the router still, and that he could observe some ports were looking actives too, so he required written confirmation to proceed removal.
  • After checking, Design team (on the phone with CWS-TELECOM engineer) understood that, a few hours before, their NOC Team processed a few circuits rerouting via this node, in order to fix an outage (another router got down).
  • As RMA procedure wasn’t completed yet (Replacement Line card awaited), circuits were riding through still, but Design team wasn’t aware of such emergency change.
  • CWS-TELECOM engineer then proposed to investigate if replacement Line Card was delivered already in order to try to proceed RMA closure, then router decommissioning, customer agreed, and luckily, it was the case.
  • Once customer sent an email confirming that operation was requested to be modified (they informed with location of faulty node, card to be replaced, and patchings to be restored), engineer processed replacement and, once stability confirmed, patchings restorations.
  • CWS-TELECOM engineer then processed device decommissioning, as planned originally, under monitoring of Customer on the phone.
  • As device was online just before and an inventory has been retrieved, he checked and confirmed that all inventoried cards and optics were present.
  • He then left site with equipment, and stored it at Customer’s warehouse, as requested.
  • He sent a confirmation email to customer 15 minutes before leaving site.
  • Once back at base: he sent a full activity report.


If “conventional” process would have been applied, customer would have been left at the end of the “operation” with:

  • 4 X customers down (10G Ethernet each).
  • 1 X “still faulty” router
  • 1 X “hardly recoverable” router (considering procedures to raise a new request + respective information required to reinstall it).
  • Still no idea that there was a breach into their processes, so they couldn’t improve them.

Instead, they were quite happy that CWS-TELECOM engineer offered them the opportunity to “kill two birds with one stone”, allowing them not only to save money, but also valuable time for circuit restorations.

Permanent power rectifier failures


A North African Telecom Operator experiencing frequent loss of connectivity and Power Rectifier failures in their Power Feeding Equipment Shelter, and always for the same slot.

Due to a lack of availability, their common RHS provider was unable to reach site in time for another replacement, so they requested CWS-TELECOM to proceed instead.


Once he reached site, CWS-TELECOM engineer processed a simple survey, which allowed him to inform customer that one of their three air conditioning units was also faulty.

Then, once proceeding replacement, he of course checked before inserting a new module that nothing could block insertion, doing this, he observed and understood that the whole issue was due to a Flat ribbon cable getting punctured by the rectifier module alignment tip.

Indeed, as this power module was located just below the Management Unit, and the ribbon was incorrectly installed, as it was too loose, it ran into the slot underneath, generating short circuits and malfunctions of the whole system.

Once understood by customer, the issue got fixed the day after, CWS-TELECOM came back at site with a replacement ribbon, and processed Rectifier Module replacement at the same time.


Even though they’re not called out specifically for it, CWS-TELECOM engineers are proceeding with common checks each time they reach a site, not only for customers, but also for their own safety.

Also, they’re frequently recalled about best practices in Telecoms and IT, such as ESD prevention, slots clearance, fiber cleaning… to avoid risks while working.

Solving a Connection issue


A north African IP/MPLS services provider trying to achieve last mile for circuit delivery.

Despite their efforts, they were still unable to observe client signal coming from Meet Me Room.

As per customer, another RHS was on site at their client end.


After reaching site, analysing fiber path, and confirming with customer that patching was correct until last handoff point, CWS-TELECOM engineer decided to contact other end RHS to try to understand where the issue could be located.

It turned out that Client wasn’t really used with this Datacenter Meet Me Room demarcations naming, and that he probably gave wrong information to their engineer.

CWS-TELECOM proposed to Customer to let the client raise an access for him into the client’s room, in order to help locate the correct ports.

Client agreed, and after 5 minutes checking, CWS-TELECOM engineer understood where cross connection was, he confirmed then using a Visual Fault Locator laser that continuity was fine.


CWS-TELECOM pays high attention to the fact that, even though their engineers work for a specific customer, it doesn’t mean they can’t help “other ends” achieve a common Goal, in this example, connectivity completion.

Indeed, Telecom is a so small world that each achievement benefits to multiple Companies.

It All Starts With a consultation!

Got an issue ?

Our Remote Hands Service helps you resolve emergencies and handles technical tasks 24/7/365.

We put the best of our human expertise at your service.

For any kind of enquiry, please use our contact form.

489, Avenue de la Roque Fauconnière
13750, Plan d’Orgon
South of France

Let’s get in touch

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